Fabulous Saturdays is a Hip-Hop group based out of Portland, Oregon. There are 6 members. 2 of them are from the eastcoast and the other 4 are from the west coast. 5 of the 6 members are emcees. 5 of the 6 members are Producers (in some capacity). The Fabulous Saturdays was created in mid-2004, but all 6 members represent a combined experience of over 60 years. The Fabulous Saturdays name was coined by member Doc Vaporz. Saturday is the day that these working class, "reality" emcees get together to record thier "magic". Fabulous Saturdays brings back that "good feeling" that true Hip-Hop is all about. All members are working class people that represent the "low budget" listener. So if you want to hear about "ice", and "rollin' on spinners" you're gunna be sadly disappointed. But if you want to hear some quality Hip-Hop that relates to the average Hip-Hop lover......you're in luck.
Top 25 (#14) Most Played "Unsigned" artists [Rawknroll.com]© Copyright-Cutty Route Productions (620673283823)
Record Label: Cutty Route
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